This free speaker event will feature Ryan Gilpin, an arborist and tripe leader for CSWC Bird Walks, talking about what we can do to improve urban forests in our backyard.
Wildlife habitat in the Columbia Slough watershed includes both great natural areas like Smith and Bybee, city streets and parks, and your back yard. Much of the Council’s focus is rightfully on these great natural areas, but Ryan will talk about the urban forest as important wildlife habitat. Join us for a free presentation and discussion on Tree Care for Birds, what arborists are doing to make our urban forests safer for wildlife and what you can do.
Ryan Gilpin is a consulting arborist, founder of Nidus Consulting, and trip leader on bird walks throughout the Columbia Slough watershed. Ryan is chair of the Tree Care for Birds committee, has written Best Management Practices for arborists to minimize impacts to nesting birds and trains arborists to improve habitat in urban forests.
Registration is free and open to all. Please come and support our venue, Level Beer! Food is also available for purchase from food carts on site, including Grana (Neopolitan-style pizza), Flor de Guelaguetza, Pita Giovanni & Tidal Boar "Shuck Truck".
As a follow up to this event, Ryan will be hosting a bird and urban wildlife walk at Whitaker Ponds on Saturday, October 14. Registration for this event is available here.