There are more ways to support CSWC!

Stocks, Bonds, ETFs and Mutual Funds

Gifts of securities can offer useful tax advantages.  A donation of shares held for more than a year are eligible for the same income tax deduction as gifts of cash! Please contact Heather for more information!

Support us through workplace giving and Fred Meyer Rewards!

Link your Fred Meyer Rewards card to support CSWC through your shopping, or use workplace giving to double your impact for CSWC. Learn more here!

Bottle Drop: Support CSWC & Recycle!

Want to recycle and donate to CSWC at the same time? Simply collect your redeemable cans and bottles, and pop them into a blue Bottle Drop bag, and drop them off at the nearest bottle drop location. The funds automatically go to Columbia Slough Watershed Council’s account. You can also transfer funds from your own Bottle Drop.

In FY 2024, we received an extra $2000 from Bottle Drop thanks folks using blue bags! That’s extra funds we can use to make our programming even better.

Contact CSWC to arrange a to pick up Blue Bags from our office.