CSWC Corporate Partners

Consider joining this amazing group of companies (large and small) to support your local watershed!

Benefits of Becoming a Corporate Partner:

  • The opportunity for your company to be a part of something larger to create change and do good!

  • Volunteer opportunities for your staff that are geared towards your company’s interest (cleanups, stewardship events, and more)!

  • Shout-Outs on CSWC Social Media Channels

  • Company logo on the CSWC sponsor page with a link to your website, listed in the monthly e-news in 2023 (reaching over 4,500 people each month), and on all print and digital materials for our events throughout the year.

  • Invitations to all large CSWC events (Slough Celebration, Boo in the Slough, Explorando)

  • Spotlighted in a monthly e-news

  • Mentions in CSWC PR materials, including Annual Report, e-news, and printed newsletters.

Ready to join CSWC or have a question? Reach out to Maya.