Slough Celebration Gala Postponed

Our signature event, the annual Slough Celebration Gala, originally scheduled for April 23rd, is cancelled for public safety due to COVID-19 but we want you to know that we are looking for new, remote ways to honor each other and celebrate.  The Gala is our largest fundraising event, through which we recognize community leaders and raise vital support for environmental stewardship, education, and equitable access to nature. 

In lieu of the in-person Gala, we will host an alternative celebration including an on-line silent auction, special appeal, and virtual Gala later this spring. You will be able to bid on a wide variety of gifts, thanks to the generosity of local businesses and community members.  In addition, you will have the opportunity to tune-in and watch a video on the Henrietta Award winners, participate in Slough trivia, and learn a few tips and tricks from our expert staff on native plants and the watershed’s natural history. 

Thank you to all of our incredible Gala sponsors who have pledged to match gifts dollar-for-dollar, up to $20,000 made during that time period. Stay tuned for more information about our alternative celebration later in April by visiting our Gala web-page at

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