A Goodbye Note from Rachel Walsh, Director of Volunteers & Community Engagement

Dear Watershed Community,

It has been such an honor to work with you in my role as Community Engagement & Volunteer Director with the Columbia Slough Watershed Council. I’m leaving the position to return to where I grew up, north Florida, for a new role as Outreach & Education Specialist for the FSU Coastal and Marine Laboratory. I’m excited for the task of sharing stories of marine research with the public in the place where I first learned to love ecology and care about conservation.

As I move into this new role, I’ll be taking with me all of the great experiences and everything I’ve learned during my time with the Council. It’s been such a pleasure to be a part of impactful programs such as our Paddle Team, bilingual paddle leaders, and volunteer restoration efforts. I’ll miss paddling, planting native plants, and caring for the Slough with all of you.

I’ve been incredibly honored to work with you during my time at the Council. It’s been wonderful to be part of a community full of dedicated, caring people who devote so much time and energy to caring for local natural spaces and ensuring that all community members have access to what these special places have to offer.

Upon my departure from the Council, I know that the organization is in good hands with Ryan, Jennifer, Max, and Nick, our dedicated board of directors, and our amazing community of volunteers that make the Council’s work possible. Thank you so much for all you do for the Slough and the communities that live, work, and play in our watershed.

Thank you again for everything!


Rachel Walsh