
While we had partnered with Earth Day Oregon to help amplify this year's Earth Day and to generate financial support for The Columbia Slough Watershed Council's habitat and restoration work, unfortunately we have postponed these events. However, we still all share a similar vision for a healthy planet, and in recognition of everyone's present responsibility to Stay Home and Save Lives, Earth Day Oregon presents: #MyPlanetMyPledge.

The #MyPlanetMyPledge campaign works to visually communicate and share personal pledges on how you will live more sustainably. How you may ask? It's simple. People like you, me, our clients, customers, and donors make their pledge to the planet, create a sign, put it up in the front window of their home, and share a photo on social media (using the hashtag #MyPlanetMyPledge, of course).

It looks like this:

coffeecup pledge.PNG

Will you join us in #MyPlanetMyPledge ? Take some time to think about your personal Earth Day Pledge and post a photo to your social media accounts with the hashtags #MyPlanetMyPledge & #IStandWithTheColumbiaSlough so we can see each other's pledges! Here are a few additional ideas, both big and small:

* I’ll buy less plastic

* I’ll vote for the environment

* I’m going solar

* I’ll support green businesses

* I’ll fight harder