
Max Samuelson

Max began working for the Council as the Stewardship Assistant in Fall 2018. In January 2020 he stepped into the role of Stewardship Director. Max spends most of his time with the Council restoring native habitats to create a more healthy watershed for the plants, wildlife and people of the Slough. He enjoys being out in field working with partners and volunteers to enhance the Slough, and loves the sense of community that accompanies a flat of sword ferns, a pot of coffee, a slight drizzle and a group of volunteers at a Stewardship Saturday. Over the years he has worked to restore and monitor landscapes in the Willamette Valley, Sagebrush Steppe and Great Plains.  When not at the Slough (which is rare!) Max enjoys going wherever his bike will take him.

Favorite Slough phrase - Sloughper hero! Which I use as a catch all term for our amazing volunteers and partners who help make all our work possible.

Three objects to bring on a Slough adventure - Henrietta, a copy of Hitchcock and Cronquist, and a kayak.